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JCP Issue 30(4) Available Online!

Published on 11/16/2022

Now Online! JCP Issue 30:4 (2022)


From the Editors

From the Archives

  • Jesse Frederick Steiner assesses community organization in 1922 (Stuart, P.)


From the Field

  • Cultivating community change to promote food access and healthy eating through participatory action research with youth (Altares, A., Hobbs, S., Sobel, D., Nelson, T., Serpa, M., & Bellows, L. L.)       


Original Articles

  • How community capacity building in urban agriculture can improve food access in predominantly Black communities (Lofton, S., Kersten, M., Lubimbi, N., & Odoms-Young, A.)
  • Community experiences and aspirations of young Syrian newcomers in a neighborhood in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Kim, K.)
  • "We have to learn how to balance all of that": Community health needs of a state-recognized Gulf Coast tribe (Liddell, J. L., Carlson, T., & Beech, H. H.)
  • Financial education as political education: A framework for targeting systems as sites of change (Friedline, T., Wood, A. K., & Morrow, S.)

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