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DEADLINE EXTENDED: 2023 ACOSA Board Call for Nominations

Published on 11/8/2023
Deadline EXTENDED: Friday, December 8th at 11:59 pm PT

The Association for Community Organization & Social Action (ACOSA) will be holding its annual election for Board members and officers in early December. ACOSA provides mentorship and support for all leadership positions.

We are seeking nominees for the following Officer position: Vice-Chair Programs

We are seeking nominees for the following Board positions: Northeast, Southeast, North Central, and South Central

We are seeking nominees for the following Program Convener positions: Certificate Program Committee, and Events/Conferences Committee

Please read this document which describes the expectations for Board officers, members, and conveners. Terms of office are for three years (2024-2026) and will begin on January 1, 2024.

Nomination Process and Election Timeline

ACOSA members may self-nominate or nominate others with their approval. Please complete this online nomination form by Thursday, November 30th. The form asks for the nominee's name, Board or Officer position of interest, and contact information along with a brief statement (no more than 200 words) explaining nominee's ACOSA experience, macro practice interests, and what abilities and passion they want to share. This statement will be included in the ballot. NOTE: Members will need to log in before clicking the nomination form link. Those who are not (yet) members will need to complete the information form if they are interested.

We will be emailing ballots to the ACOSA membership on December 3rd. Voting will close on December 10th. If you have any questions about the nomination process, please contact Monica Leisey, Convenor of the ACOSA Governing Committee, at